

Eni ranks among 2017 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World

Eni’s position was confirmed among the 2017 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World. The news was announced today at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The index was launched in 2005 by Corporate Knights, a media, research and financial information products company based in Canada and dedicated to quantify and disclose the values which underpin of ‘sustainable’ capitalism. Every year it elects the 100 most sustainable companies from those with a market capitalization of over $ 2 billion. Corporate Knights analyzes companies against 14 KPI (Key Performance Indicator), based on publicly available data and using a transparent methodology.

The KPIs relate to resource management, employees and finances, suppliers and polluting emissions. This recognition reaffirms Eni’s constant commitment to sustainable development and ensuring the responsible management of its business.

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